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This is a movement for the 99% of us left out of the democratic process.

The Motto

We are not the Left.  We are not the Right.


We are not Conservatives. We are not Liberals.


We are not Republicans. We are not Democrats.


We are CHANGE.



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What we want

We want to restructure our governments to better serve us. This includes:

  • 1. Ending campaigning and a money driven electoral system (new and cheaper electoral practices). 

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  • 2. Government ministries with hired professionals in their respective fields (ministry of the environments would have ecologists running it - ministry of finance would haveeconomists and mathematicians)

  • Note: Academic experience and proficiency would be a requirement.

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  • 3. Politicians no longer responsible for writing/promoting legislation - just voting on it in the best interest of district (keeping agendas and corruption out of politics)

  •  Writing and inception of legislation now a part of the ministries job.

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  • 4. Legislation put forward to enable the expropriation of 50% of the top 0.1% richest entities (banks, individuals, corporations/business). This will be a one time payment (for now).

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  • 5. A peoples lobby/union. A civilian branch elected apart from district and executive branches of government to advocate for or against legislation attempting to be passed by the ministries. More on this later.

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  • 6. The end of party politics. Instead of politicians being loyal to their parties, they will instead be only accountable to their riding/distinct. This ensures that the people in that area can actively keep tabs  on whether or not their elected MP is doing their job.


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What we're all about

Expropriate the Wealth, is a campaign to pressure the government to legislate the claiming of 50% of the 0.1% richest entities (people/corporations/banks) wealth. It would be a one time payment (not a tax) which could be claimed as liquidated funds or investments.


But what is wealth expropriation?


Wealth expropriation is the act of government claiming privately owned wealth against the wishes of its owners, ostensibly for the betterment of society.




An action by a governing authority to take privately owned wealth and utilize for public use and betterment.


Example: Avoiding economic depression from the effects of Covid-19 in the form of universal public healthcare, social programs, debt cancellation, government reform, universal daycare etc etc.


Isn't that stealing?


Yeah, kind of. We like to think of it as legislated theft.  We realize it doesn't sound fair to the 0.1(%) percent. And it might not be, given that they may have accrued all that wealth legally.


The thing is, for a very long time now, our politicians, who are supposed to be serving the interests of the many - have been serving the interests of the few. Corporations and their lobbyists; big banks and investment firms; multinational entities and financiers; global institutions like the IMF and World Bank, have all had significantly more influence on our government than we, the people, have. They've been paying them directly (through campaign donations, bribes, foundations, lobbyists etc) and have gotten what they've paid for - the entirety of influence in our corrupt system of un-democracy.


Couple all of that paid-for-influence with a long and gruelling history of white collar crimes, bribes, back door dealings, palm scratching, corruption, lies, deceit and general tomfoolery from our politico-corporate marriage - and what we end up with is the death of democracy as we know.


The reality of our governments leadership, is that they are intrinsically run by the interests of Big Banks, Big Oil/Energy, massive investment firms, the Military Industrial Complex, and Big Pharma.

There might not be an Illuminati - but there's definitely a shady group of extremely wealthy/extremely powerful people that run our world through what can be called a 'Corporatocracy'.


But we can Vote, right?


Sure we can vote. But it virtually means nothing. They have all the influence. Unfortunately for us, our elected politicians have failed us miserably in being morally upstanding citizens in their obligations to the other 99.8% of us. It would be fair to say they've been working against us for a long time.


The main purpose of government by todays standards seems to be dividing us and conquering. They get us arguing about the little things that don't matter. We fight and argue with eachother while in the background they do whatever the hell it is they want unimpeded. All the while, they tell us everything they're doing is for us.


Let me state this in another way. Almost everything they tell us is misleading. We are being managed. They need to keep us down. 


They use every trick in the book to accomplish this. They use FEAR MONGERING to make us rely on them - and hate our neighbours. They use RACISM to keep us from uniting. They CREATE ENEMIES so they can pretend to be the good guys. They give us JUST ENOUGH to keep us complacent. Even create CONSPIRACY THEORIES to stop us from finding the truth. They OWN the MEDIA and make sure we are IGNORANT to what is really going on.


The truth is - every solution and good idea in how to make our world a better place has already been thought up, written down and preached. Good ideas just don't proliferate when they're not in the interests of the wealthy and powerful.


If you ask me. It would appear that we were the ones that got fleeced in the deal. Perhaps we have a right to ask for some of that money back.


We made the corporations rich. We made the celebrities famous. We gave the banks our money. An an argument can be made they exploited us at every opportunity with our elected paid-for governments paving the way. They corrupted the rules to their advantage. They removed regulations that protected us. They rigged the stock market. If in few in the face of profits, they removed the restrictions.


We think they owe us - and the goal is to expropriate half of that wealth. Imagine what we could do with it?


Let me be clear. We don't want to tax the middle class. We don't want to tax the upper class. We want the excessive millions and billions being held by the elite 0.1%. 


Note you! I think we've been taxed enough.


Lets change the world.


But how are we going to get our politicians to expropriate the wealth? (Especially seeing as they are a part of problem and heavily connected to the 0.1%)


I'm glad you asked.


We need to band together and unite our voices. Forget being a Conservative/Republican, or a Liberal/ Democrat. Forget about left or right. Forget about being a Canadian or American - or borders in general. This is not Communism and it isn't Fascism. It's neither Nationalism or Globalism. This is a Radical movement to bring about a meaningful representative democracy and redistribute some (a lot) wealth to even things out. Let's face it - we've been looted. The gap between the rich and the poor is pretty huge - and on a global scale is massive.


Covid-19 is going to have a devastating impact on the economy. It is going to change all of our lives. We can either suck it up and pay for it with our tax dollars forever, or expropriate the wealth where the wealth is at - maybe cancelling some debt while we are at it.


If we want to boot up the economy after this virus fucks off, we'd be in a much better place if we were debtless, not taxed to our graves and happily moving towards a more equal world for the majority of us.


We need to start somewhere. Join the group, post and share memes, and talk to people about the cause. We no longer have time to bother with racism, prejudice, bigotry, sexism, cultural differences and personal choice issues. We're all in this together and only we, the people - in a united voice - can bring that about.


Can this even be done?


Iceland did it. After the sub-prime housing scandal that rocked America and some European countries, Iceland had what is now called the 'Pots and Pans Revolution'. They removed their government and replaced them; drew up a new constitution; jailed corrupt bankers and politicians, and did all of this without a single shot being fired.


In case you're wondering. We are planning to do this peacefully. We first need people tho.


So if you're as mad as we are about large corporate bailouts, being left out of democracy and system that puts us dead last.


Join the movement. Lets expropriate the Wealth together.


The government sits at the gates of real change - pretending to represent us.


Know who the enemy is.


Lets give them hell.


We will be heard

Join up. We need you, your voice, creativity, passion, anger and lust for a better world. We are starting small and planning to become huge and we simply cannot do it without your help.


Expropriate the wealth can be found on Facebook (page and group), as well as Instagram. We are planning on a youtube channel and videos are incoming.


The Page


The Group


The Gram


Just Twitter



*work in progress*





The right to be represented

Currently, instead of democracy - we have a 3 headed dragon that stands in its way.


  • The Bankocracy: Large multinational banks with excessive power and influence on public policy-making. Referring to a government or authoritative body which is ruled by financial institutions.


  • The Corporatocracy: A society or system that is governed, ruled or controlled by corporations.


  • Asshole Politicians: Those elected officials who we've placed our trust in (although no one really trusts them, do they?), who have abused and burned that trust to the ground and instead through the ambitions of greed or power work to subvert our best interests for those of the powerful and wealthy.


These 3 dragon heads currently run most countries in the world, by means of what can be called: (We're getting deep here)


The Machiavellian Dystopia of Modern Day Politics:


A system in which our elected officials pretend to be doing what is in our best interests and project their righteousness, while serving either their own interests or the interests of the rich and powerful.


If you would like to know more about changing democracy and the above terms - click on the link below.


There is no link yet - but there will be...



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Im glad you asked

See below for some recommendations

We believe that there is no singular answer—every little bit helps when it comes to making an impact. There are many meaningful ways you can help us succeed in our mission. Have an idea that’s not listed below? Reach out and let us know.


We are open to suggestions.



Join our group and like our page (Facebook).   OR   Follow us on Instagram or Twitter. We'd love for you to be an active member of the community.



Be a Meme Warrior - Post like a villain



We can't make a difference without you. If we ever want to protest and pressure our government (or have them thrown out) - we need numbers and we need to organize. Invite everyone - we're going to need them in order to be a challenge to a long standing system of elitist oppression. They'll literally do anything to stop us. It's their wealth - they aren't going to give it to us out of the decency in their hearts.

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